SB 449 (CAFE for State Fleet) Today / SB 210 (tax credit for conservation) Tomorrow
SB 449 will be heard today in House Transportation. This bill would require the state to seek vehicles that meet or exceed the Corporate Average Fleet Economy standards. This will help ensure that state agencies can purchase vehicles with better gas mileage. HB 3, which includes supplemental appropriations for cost overruns in the past biennium, had to include 1.3 million dollars for unanticipated fuel related cost for the state motor pool. Tyler will testify in support of the bill as a place for state agencies to lead on efficiency and hedge against unpredictable costs with fuel.
SB 210 increases the tax credit for household investments in conservation and energy efficiency. It increases the amount that can be claimed for the credit and expands it to include investments by rental property owners and other entities.
Other Recent Legislative News: HB 166 (Biodiesel Production Tax Credit), HB 259 (Gray Water) & HB 555
(E-waste Education) have passed both chambers and will be signed by the
Governor soon. SB 185 (Medium speed electric cars) awaits executive
action in House Transportation. SB 449 (Fleet efficiency in State
Vehicles) will be heard next week in House Transportation. HB 822 (tax
credit for purchase of biodiesel at retail pump) passed third reading
on the House floor 61-38.
SB 210 increases the tax credit for household investments in conservation and energy efficiency. It increases the amount that can be claimed for the credit and expands it to include investments by rental property owners and other entities.
Other Recent Legislative News: HB 166 (Biodiesel Production Tax Credit), HB 259 (Gray Water) & HB 555
(E-waste Education) have passed both chambers and will be signed by the
Governor soon. SB 185 (Medium speed electric cars) awaits executive
action in House Transportation. SB 449 (Fleet efficiency in State
Vehicles) will be heard next week in House Transportation. HB 822 (tax
credit for purchase of biodiesel at retail pump) passed third reading
on the House floor 61-38.
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