Great Video on an Example Gray Water System
This video is part of "Peak Moment"'s series. It features Trathen Heckman, Executive Director of Daily Acts and Green Sangha. It is an involved, step-by-step tour of his home gray water system in California.
He designed his system to be an example of a safe and legal gray water system. This video is long. If you don't have the 27 minutes, I would suggest starting at 4:30 when he starts the tour of his system. He has a constructed wetland, which would probably not be feasible for most Montana systems. He starts the tour of his branched drain system at about 12:00.
The gives you a great idea of the extent to which gray water can be used. These ecological, safe, and legal systems not only save water, but can build community. He references the "bible" for gray water use: Creating and Oasis with Gray Water by Art Ludwig, which provides more technical information for those interested.
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Labels: gray water systems, graywater system, grey water, greywater, water conservation, water reuse
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