Plastics Drive - September 2008
The S.A.V.E. Foundation has just wrapped up another successful plastics drive, recycling more plastics than ever before. We collected type 1 and 2 plastics including soda and water bottles, milk jugs, and laundry detergent containers. The plastics drive keeps thousands of pounds of plastic out of our landfills, which saves fossil fuels, and money. Collected items were baled at Pacific Steel and Recycling here in Helena, and will be sent to Missoula for processing. Check back, numbers will be posted soon! Thank you to everyone who participated and helped us out by rinsing out their bottles, removing lids, and sorting out the plastic by type. Quality control is essential in order to recycle these items efficiently and economically. This event would not be possible without our staff of volunteers, a big thank you for all your help! The S.A.V.E. Foundation would also like to thank the sponsors for this event; the City of Helena, City County Sanitation, Pacific Steel and Recycling, and General Services of the State of Montana.
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