S.A.V.E. Press Advisory Plastics Drive and Future of Plastics
Press Advisory: Plastics Recycling Drive in
Helena November 8 to 11th; Future of SAVE Plastic Drives
Walliman, Recycling Coordinator, S.A.V.E. Foundation / 406.449.6008
Matthew Elsaesser, Executive Director, S.A.V.E. Foundation / 406.431.0815)
Plastics Recycling Drive Starts
HELENA – The next community plastic drive hosted by The
S.A.V.E. Foundation and community partners will be held November 8th
through 11th at from 8am to 6pm at 1100 N Last Chance Gulch.
Items collected at the event are type one (#1) and two (#2)
plastics including: type one beverage containers (e.g. water and soda bottles),
type one clear clam shell trays (e.g. the heavier duty, less
"crackly" trays that often contain fruit, but not those that contain
cookies), type two natural color containers (e.g. standard milk jugs, distilled
water containers), and type two color plastics (e.g. orange juice containers,
white milk jugs, detergent bottles). *Motor oil containers are not accepted; cooking
oil containers need to be free of oil. **Items should always be stored without
lids for quality control and safety.
The event based plastics drive is a partnership by S.A.V.E.,
The City of Helena, City-County Sanitation, Pacific Steel and Recycling,
General Services of the State of Montana, and the Montana Beverage Association
with additional support from Carroll College. S.A.V.E. will have information
outlining plastics collection going into the New Year at the event and posted
soon online at Savemobile.org
S.A.V.E. is committed to ensuring a successful transition, but we wants to see a plan for a permanent collection soon, especially with the upcoming challenges of winter and over a million dollars of investment slated for the Transfer Station this year. “We've demonstrated that a plastics program can work, and we're ready to help the City set one up” Continues Evilsizer, “Households in Helena and most of the Valley pay for recycling at the Transfer Station. It's time that some of the upgrades at the Transfer Station included giving residents a sheltered location where they can recycle plastics year-round.”
Additional details, volunteer opportunities, and more about
recycling is available at www.Savemobile.org or by calling 406.449.6008.
oil and other non-vegetable oil containers cannot be recycled because there is
no way to clean the container while protecting water quality. Motor oil should
be taken to a location that collect oil, which includes the City of Helena
Transfer Station. Add a bit or sand or cat litter to render the remaining oil
in a container dry, compact and seal the container, and throw it away. More
details at Savemobile.org under “Resources”
are a different type of plastic in most cases, pose a hazard for volunteers
during the bailing process, and create a sanitation concern where items would
usually “dry out” in this climate.
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