
Saturday, July 28, 2007

S.A.V.E. Pedicabs at Alive @ 5

S.A.V.E. now has two bike powered pedicabs and will be taking people around town this summer. Drivers split the tips with S.A.V.E. Beyond the novelty and fun for persons at Helena event, this service acts as an ongoing advocate for environmentally friendly transportation. -

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

This Friday: Gray Water Systems presentation and CD signing with S.A.V.E. and The Real Food Store at 2p.m.

Immediate Release: Gray Water Systems presentation and CD signing with S.A.V.E. and The Real Food Store this Friday, July 27th, at 2p.m.


Matt Elsaesser, Executive Director
The S.A.V.E. Foundation, 501(c)(3)
P.O. Box 1481, Helena, MT 59624
406.431.0815. /

S.A.V.E. presentation on Gray Water Systems in Montana and a Hippie Ki Yi Aye cd signing with Jason DeShaw this Friday, July 27, 2-3p.m. at The Real Food Store.

Join The Student Advocates for Valuing the Environment Foundation (S.A.V.E.) and Montana singer Jason DeShaw for an informational event on gray water systems and a cd signing of Hippie Ki-Yi-Aye: A Savemobile Tribute this Friday, 2p.m. at The Real Food Store.

Learn about gray water systems (or grey water), a method for conserving water that was just made legal this year during the 2007 legislative session. Gray water systems utilize non-septic water for reuse in lawn irrigation and flushing toilets. S.A.V.E. will explain the benefits of gray water, describe their work and goals with making gray water legal, and explain the basics of installing a system.

S.A.V.E. Legend Jason DeShaw (highest S.A.V.E. award, 2007) will also be on hand to play a few tunes and sign copies of Hippie Ki - Yi - Aye, his country music tribute to expanded recycling and S.A.V.E. Jason has been a part of S.A.V.E.'s efforts in the community for several years and is the featured artist on S.A.V.E.'s Biodiesel Montana Tour. Hippie Ki - Yi - Aye includes many of his great songs from The Country Way, I'll Come Around, to the Savemobile Tribute song and poem.

In addition to hosting this event, the Real Food Store is displaying a gray water system being raffled off by the S.A.V.E. Foundation. The BRAC-200 system, designed for homes of 5 persons or less will be on display for the rest of July. Persons can enter the raffle for free at The Real Food Store or online at The system will be displayed throughout the state over the next year leading up to a drawing at Earth Day Helena 2008 on April 22nd.

S.A.V.E. is a community non-profit dedicated to expanding recycling, environmental awareness and conservation in the Queen City and throughout Montana. They worked to make gray water legal during the 2007 legislative session and are raffling off a gray water system to demonstrate the potential for water savings in Montana. Jason is in town playing for Last Chance Stampede and Fair. Learn more at or by calling 406-431-0815.

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Monday, July 16, 2007

Gray Water a hit at Sustainability Fair

Four S.A.V.E. volunteers and two AERO staff carpool on 100% biodiesel.

On Saturday July 14th, The S.A.V.E. crew rose with the sun and took the vegi-mobile to the Sustainability Fair hosted by The Corporation for the Northern Rockies in Livingston. In addition to providing recycling for the event, explaining biodiesel, and conducting a biodiesel workshop, S.A.V.E. made a gray water presentation with information and a real system being raffled off. The gray water system, a Brac W-200, was donated to S.A.V.E. and is being shown around the state and will be raffled off at Earth Day Helena 2008.

Kyle Perkins explains the system

Gray water is a simple way to conserve water by filtering non-toilet water and re-using it to water the lawn or flush toilets. The process was made legal with S.A.V.E.'s legislative efforts during the 2007 session. More than 100 people signed up for a chance to win the system during the days events.

S.A.V.E. used 100% biodiesel to travel to and from the fair. The featured gray water systems was a W-200 by BRAC Systems. The raffle is free to enter and will take place on Earth Day, April 22nd, 2008.

More about gray water:

Story in Independent Record (February 2, 2007)

Fact Sheet I

Fact Sheet 2

Gray Water Raffle for Montana households


- The S.A.V.E. Foundation

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Help S.A.V.E. meet it matching goal this month!

S.A.V.E. has received a $5,000 matching grant from the Cinnabar Foundation. With this grant your renewed support or first-time donation to S.A.V.E. will be doubled! You can make a secure online donation or download a contribution form at You may also call 406-431-0815 for more information.


S.A.V.E. Update: $5,000 Matching Grant, Gray Water Raffle, Sustainability Fair this weekend, more

S.A.V.E. Update: $5,000 Matching Grant / Gray Water Raffle / Recycling Info & more

Note: S.A.V.E. will be giving a presentation on Biodiesel this Saturday at the Sustainability Fair this in Livingston at 2:30p.m. We will have a display on biodiesel, gray water, and conservation all day. We still have room for a volunteer or two to join our biodiesel crew for the day.

Your Donation Matched!

The S.A.V.E. Foundation have received a $5,000 matching grant from The Cinnabar Foundation. With this grant, your renewed support or first-time donation to S.A.V.E. will be doubled! You can make a secure online donation or download a contribution form at You may also call 406-431-0815 for more information.

Gray Water Raffle:

S.A.V.E. will be raffling off a full size Gray Water system at Earth Day 2008 (April 22). The system, a Brac W-200, is designed for households of 5 persons or less and provides the opportunity to save water costs and help protect the environment with conservation. S.A.V.E. is working to improve public awareness about gray water, especially with the upcoming rule making process (gray water was just made legal during the 2007 Montana legislature). Entry for the raffle is free and your can sign up to win today at The item will be on display at The Real Food Store for all of July.

Recycling Update:

The June Plastics recycling week went well. Combined with our Earth Day collection, Trash for Trees, business pickups, and the collection week in March, we have recycled more than 13,000 pounds of plastic. The next week-long recycling collections will be September 7-14th and December 7-14th. We will also be at the Fall Trash for Trees collection on September 29th. We exploring ways to make this a permanent program.

Electronic waste, including computers, monitors, and other items, can now be recycled at Staples with a charge of $10 per item. S.A.V.E. and other community partners are planning to organize another e-waste event this Fall, similar to the "Erase your E-waste" event last September that collected nearly 40,000lbs of electronic waste for recycling. We are also in the process of developing a business registry that would help entities with large amounts of e-waste pool together for collection.


S.A.V.E.'s busiest days are Tuesday and Friday when are recycling collection is in full gear. We also have a variety of unique recycling projects outside of those days, including recycling at the Alive @ 5s. There is ongoing office work. S.A.V.E. work does count for court mandated community service projects.

Student Opportunities:

S.A.V.E . has internships for credit, part-time positions, and exciting volunteer opportunities for environmentally-minded students. This includes making biodiesel, traveling with the Biodiesel Montana program, working to make plastics permanent, working on policy issues and public planning, and research. Schedule can be flexible and accommodate work for almost any major or interest. Call 406-431-0815 if interested.

Business Route Expanding:

S.A.V.E. is now expanding its business recycling route, which collects paper, newsprint, magazine, cardboard, cans, tin, glass, plastics, and other recyclables from a wide spectrum of businesses. Reply to this email (Recycle @ or call 406-431-0815 if your business is interested in joining the route.

Store at expanded:

- A few days left to order the S.A.V.E. "Be Green" t-shirt, Earth Day Helena 2007 addition.

- Coffee mug special by S.A.V.E. (student affiliate at Carroll) and the Nursing club at Carroll to support a school library in Niger, Africa.

- S.A.V.E. support specials, including cds, t-shirts, and above mugs are various levels.

- Transactions are secure credit card, paypal, or by old fashioned mail.


- The S.A.V.E. Foundation/

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