
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Record Plastics Collection Week / Upcoming Events: Trash for Trees, Electronics, America Recycles Day

S.A.V.E.'s Tyler Evilsizer (Campus Compact through AmeriCorps) and Matt Elsaesser (Director) stand with 5,400 pounds of baled type 1 and type 2 plastics at Pacific Steel and Recycling in Helena.

Plastics Update:
Last weeks plastics drive collected more than 10,200 pounds, nearly double the amount of our previous quarterly collection weeks.For those who missed the collection, plastics will be taken at Trash for Trees on September 29th. The next week long plastics drive will be December 7-14.

Upcoming Recycling Events (Helena):

September 29: Trash for Trees with Growing Friends and The S.A.V.E. Foundation
- 9a.m. to 4p.m at Northgate Plaza
- City-wide recycling drive raising funds going to planting trees and expanding recycling.
- download flyer!
- details at

Oct 12-13:
Erase your E-waste at K-Mart
- (Oct 12: 3p.m.-7p.m. / Oct 13: 8a.m.-1p.m.)
- download flyer!
- details at

November 15: America Recycles Day Celebration and S.A.V.E. Fund Raiser
- Hosted at Exploration Work in the Great Northern Center
- details tba

December 7-14: Plastics Collection Week
- collection for type 1 clear, type 2 natural color, and type 2 color plastic
- rinse, remove lid, reduce size & collect separately
- details at our plastics page

- The S.A.V.E. Foundation /


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Free Jason DeShaw Concert and Raffle in Bozeman this Friday

Immediate Release: Gray Water for Bozeman! Find out how at Eco Auto this Friday, Free concert, presentation and raffle

Click here to download a flyer, call 406.431.0815 for more information.


S.A.V.E. presentation on Gray Water Systems in Montana and a Hippie Ki Yi Aye concert and cd signing with Jason DeShaw this Friday, September 14, at Eco Auto.

Join the Student Advocates for Valuing the Environment Foundation (S.A.V.E.), Montana singer Jason DeShaw, and Eco Auto this Friday from 5-6:30p.m. at 920 West Main Street (next to the Coop). S.A.V.E. will be giving a presentation on Gray Water Systems combined with a free concert and cd signing by Jason DeShaw of The Country Way. S.A.V.E.'s vegi-mobile, running on 100% biodiesel, will also be on display.

Gray water systems are a simple water conservation measure that new home and renovations can look to utilize non-septic water for irrigation or flushing toilets. During the 2007 legislative session, Montana joined a dozen other states in allowing gray water, specifically for single-family homes. Having worked on that legislation, S.A.V.E. is now fostering awareness across the state about gray water systems and their environmental benefits in household construction. Gray water includes most household wash water, such as showers and washers, and is kept separate from black water, which includes toilets and kitchen sinks. A gray water system is designed to treat and reuse the gray water.

Jason DeShaw, a native of Plentywood who has twice crossed the state on S.A.V.E.'s Biodiesel Montana Tours, will be on hand with a free concert and to sign copies of Hippie Ki - Yi - Aye, his country music tribute to expanded recycling and conservation in Montana. Jason has been part of S.A.V.E.'s efforts in the community for several years. Jason has played across the US and is recording his fourth album in Bozeman before heading back to Nashville this Fall. Some of his hits include The Country Way, I'll Come Around, The Savemobile, MIssissippi Mud, Down by the River, Wagon Man, and others.

The event will commemorate the start of a free raffle from BRAC W-200 gray water system, designed to allow a household of up to 5 person to harness gray water. The gray water system, information material, and raffle entry will start this Friday and remain at Eco Auto for the rest of September. More details at or

---- end ---- The S.A.V.E. Foundation /

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Plastics Recycling Week a success, 4 more days

S.A.V.E.'s plastics recycling week continues for 4 more days, finishing up this next Friday, September 14. Since starting on the 7th, more than 4,000 pounds has been collection (final numbers to be posted later this week), and community participation and quality control has been exceptional. Here are some photos from this afternoon, with S.A.V.E. volunteers Tyler, John and Mel giving type 1 clear plastics a final sort before they are baled by Pacific Steel & Recycling.

S.A.V.E. would like to thank Pacific (baling), General Services of the State of Montana (the location near the Y.M.C.A.), and the City of Helena Public Works, especially the Solid Waste and Recycling division (providing and transporting the bins) for making this program possible.

The next plastics collection with be with Trash for Trees on September 29th at Northgate Plaza on Montana from 9am to 4pm. The next collection week will be December 7-14.

- S.A.V.E. Foundation


Gray Water for Bozeman! Find out how at Eco Auto this Friday, Free concert, presentation and raffle

Immediate Release: Gray Water for Bozeman! Find out how at Eco Auto this Friday, Free concert, presentation and raffle

Contact: Matt Elsaesser, S.A.V.E. Foundation Director, 406.431.0815

S.A.V.E. presentation on Gray Water Systems in Montana and a Hippie Ki Yi Aye concert and cd signing with Jason DeShaw this Friday, September 14, at Eco Auto.

Join the Student Advocates for Valuing the Environment Foundation (S.A.V.E.), Montana singer Jason DeShaw, and Eco Auto this Friday from 5-6:30p.m. at 920 West Main Street (next to the Coop). S.A.V.E. will be giving a presentation on Gray Water Systems combined with a free concert and cd signing by Jason DeShaw of The Country Way. S.A.V.E.'s vegi-mobile, running on 100% biodiesel, will also be on display.

Gray water systems are a simple water conservation measure that new home and renovations can look to utilize non-septic water for irrigation or flushing toilets. During the 2007 legislative session, Montana joined a dozen other states in allowing gray water, specifically for single-family homes. Having worked on that legislation, S.A.V.E. is now fostering awareness across the state about gray water systems and their environmental benefits in household construction. Gray water includes most household wash water, such as showers and washers, and is kept separate from black water, which includes toilets and kitchen sinks. A gray water system is designed to treat and reuse the gray water.

Jason DeShaw, a native of Plentywood who has twice crossed the state on S.A.V.E.'s Biodiesel Montana Tours, will be on hand with a free concert and to sign copies of Hippie Ki - Yi - Aye, his country music tribute to expanded recycling and conservation in Montana. Jason has been part of S.A.V.E.'s efforts in the community for several years. Jason has played across the US and is recording his fourth album in Bozeman before heading back to Nashville this Fall. Some of his hits include The Country Way, I'll Come Around, The Savemobile, MIssissippi Mud, Down by the River, Wagon Man, and others.

The event will commemorate the start of a free raffle from BRAC W-200 gray water system, designed to allow a household of up to 5 person to harness gray water. The gray water system, information material, and raffle entry will start this Friday and remain at Eco Auto for the rest of September. More details at or

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